Can a Labour-Climate Alliance Transform the Palm Oil Sector?

The global palm oil industry is based on exploitation of people and nature. A transformation towards an environmentally and socially just model is urgently needed. This evening brings together international representatives from trade unions and the climate justice movement. It builds on experiences from Indonesia and Germany of building alliances for a just transition in different sectors. A panel discussion asks for the role of international solidarity and European actors to promote this transformation towards an environmentally and socially just palm oil sector. 

With contributions from:

  • Karolina Frischkopf, HEKS/EPER CEO
  • Fabian Molina, Member of Parliament, Switzerland
  • Rika Müller-Vahl, Fridays for Future Berlin, Campaign «Wir fahren zusammen»
  • Damar Panca Mulya, Confederation of Workers Unions Indonesia, KPBI
  • Aisha Putri Utami, Sawit Watch, Indonesia
  • Oliver Pye, Bonn University, Germany
  • Susanne Uhl, Gewerkschaft Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten
  • Danielle van Oijen, Milieudefensie, Friends of the Earth Netherlands
  • Reto Wyss, Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund & Solidar Suisse
  • Corinne Schärer (Gewerkschaft Unia)

Moderation: Christoph Keller 

Further information and the programme will follow.


Date: Tuesday, 3d December 2024 

Time: 17:30 - 20:00, followed by «Apéro» 

Place: UNIA Headquarter, Weltpoststrasse 20, 3015 Bern

Language: English 

Registration: Please register here to help us plan for the event.

Do you need further information? Please contact Sofia Getzin (HEKS) by e-mail:

Start 17:30 

Welcome and Opening                                  

Karolina Frischkopf, HEKS/EPER CEO                                                                                                                                                                                


Introduction to Just Transition in the Palm Oil sector 

Dr. Oliver Pye, Bonn University & TPOLS




Experience on Just Transition from the Climate Justice movement: Campaign «Wir fahren zusammen»

Rika Müller-Vahl,  Fridays for Future Berlin, Campaign «Wir fahren zusammen»




Trade Union Principles for a Just Transition

Reto Wyss, Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund & Solidar Suisse




How Swiss political parties could forward a just transition in the palm oil sector

Fabian Molina, SP, Member of Parliament & Präsident Swissaid




Panel Discussion: Building Solidarity in the Palm Oil Sector

  1. Susanne Uhl, Gewerkschaft Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten
  2. Danielle van Oijen, Milieudefensie, Friends of the Earth Netherlands
  3. Damar Panca Mulya, Confederation of Workers Unions Indonesia, KPBI
  4. Aisha Putri Utami, Sawit Watch, Indonesia
    Corinne Schärer, Gewerkschaft UNIA


Reactions and Discussion




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